What A M.I.C. Mortgage Looks Like On Closing

What A M.I.C. Mortgage Looks Like On Closing

We are going to break down the costs when you are closing your mortgage with a M.I.C. type lender. We can look into what a M.I.C. is, and how they are formed in a later discussion. For now, we will focus on the costs to this borrower type on closing. The M.I.C. interest rate generally is […]

What A Triple-A Mortgage Looks Like On Closing


This is the Triple-A Mortgage. There are a few names, bank lending, due to banks historically lending to best credit clients, a borrower, strong covenant. How do these mortgages look when someone wants to buy a home? Remember, there are land transfer taxes as well as other fees if you are not a First Time […]

What A B-Lending Mortgage Looks Like On Closing


B-Lending is cheaper than Private Lending. We won’t go into the details of what B Lending Mortgages are all about. For that, you can go ahead and check out what B lending is. In this post, we will break down the costs of getting into a B Lending Mortgage. This type of scenario applies only […]

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