Co-Signer Vs. Guarantor

mortgage co-signer vs guarantor

In today’s property market, sometimes it’s necessary to get assistance getting your foot in the door. A common method used is to bring in a co-signer or guarantor to strengthen your loan application. This can improve the income and/or credit score on file. These terms are often used interchangeably. However, there is one key difference […]

Foreclosure Vs. Power of Sale

foreclosure vs power of sale

For any number of reasons, a mortgage may go into arrears. There could be a gap in work, difficulty finding tenants, or the payments just might be too much to handle on a loan. If a borrower begins to default on their mortgage, a lender can enter either power of sale or foreclosure to recoup […]

5 Tips On Building Your Credit Score

How Do I Build My Credit Score

How Credit is Calculated and Industry Tips to Increasing Your Score Here are the factors that are involved in the credit score algorithm: Your payment history Your credit utilization Length of credit history (& age of accounts) Public Records Credit Inquiries Your Payment History It is very important to make all of your payments on […]

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